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Political Science

To inquire about this program:
Dr. Benjamin Mabry | 423.869.7427 |


What is Political Science?

在政治学课程中,学生探索政府如何影响公民, how citizens can impact government, 以及公民之间的关系. Students of political science examine the American constitution and the institutions and processes which it produced; They examine how nations interact with one another and how other nations' governments differ from our own; They also examine big questions like "what is justice?以及“人类为什么需要政府??"

政治是我们社会关系的核心, our economy, our interaction with other nations, 以及我们对自己作为一个民族的认识. 政治也界定和澄清了我们的个人权利和我们对彼此的责任. 最高法院大法官约瑟夫·斯托里(Joseph Story)声称:“共和国是由美德创造的, 公民的公共精神和智慧.“政治学专业的学生毕业时具有思考的能力, 在涉及美国共和国每个公民面临的重要问题时,说话和行动都更加深思熟虑.



政治学专业的学生选修的课程多种多样, 研究美国政治制度的引人入胜且大开眼界的课程, campaigns and elections, constitutional law, political philosophy, 国际政治与比较政府. 所有学生都选修一组核心入门课程和他们选择的高级选修课程.


  • American National GovernmentAMC3-Picture.jpeg
  • 公共行政概论
  • Introduction to Political Ideas
  • 国际关系概论
  • Political Science Seminar
  • 社会科学的统计方法


  • Comparative Politics
  • Introduction to Public Policy
  • Law and the Judicial System
  • State and Local Government
  • Introduction to Constitutional Law
  • 政治与立法程序
  • The Presidency
  • American Foreign and Security Policy
  • Liberal Democracy and its Critics

Four Year Plans

Political Science 2024-2025 - 2024-2025年四年计划(2024年秋季开始) 

LMU邓肯法学院的提前入学计划允许澳门威尼斯人赌城的本科生申请, be accepted to, 并在获得学士学位之前,开始在LMU邓肯法学院攻读法学博士学位. For more information, see Guidelines and 提前入学计划(2024年秋季开始).

Political Science Minor

因为人类生活的许多领域都与政治有关, 政治学是一门优秀的辅修课程,可以补充许多专业. 了解政策制定和监管流程, and the dynamics of international politics are useful for Business majors; understanding of the institutions and trends in American politics is useful for English majors interested in journalism; studying courts and constitutional law is useful for Criminal Justice majors and all students interested in pursuing law school.


  • American National Government
  • 公共行政概论
  • Introduction to Political Ideas
  • 国际关系概论
  • 两门政治学选修课,学生可以根据自己的兴趣和目标进行选择.


Meet the Faculty

Dr. Benjamin Mabry:政治学项目主任、政治学助理教授(传记即将公布)

Dr. Steven Roberts: Instructor of Political Science

Dr. Martin Sellers: 政治科学教授,艺术、人文和社会科学学院院长


Further Education

政治学专业的毕业生为任何数量的研究生课程做好了充分的准备, including law school, MBA programs, MPA 以及政治学的硕士和博士课程.



政治几乎涉及生活的方方面面. 除了在当地找工作, state and federal government, 政治学毕业生找到成功的职业

  • Attorneys
  • Consultants
  • Teachers
  • Journalists
  • Law enforcement officers
  • Lobbyists
  • Researchers
  • Archivists
  • Bankers
  • Business administrators
  • and Activists.

政治学毕业生准备进入跨国组织和与政府关系有关的组织的劳动力市场, advocacy, 承包和冲突管理以及日益增长的医疗保健部门.



According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 从2018年到2028年,政治学家的就业预计将增长5%, 和所有职业的平均速度一样快. 有关政治科学领域积极就业增长预期的更多详细信息,请参阅这里: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; Political Science.